At the most recent werewolf meeting, we concluded
that only when a guy is already interested in a girl or when a girl is already dating somebody (whatever that term means these days), do girls get unprecedented attention from men. Girls often go through several bouts of nothing
that sometimes last months or even years. However, the second somebody shows
vague interest, all of a sudden girls become man magnets.
With the
advent of laptops, the internet, faster planes, railroads, cars, and smaller
phones, as well as our enforcement of gender and racial equality and
democratic values, we are left under the impression that we are better than animals
because we make complex things and think in more complex ways. However, I am
convinced that we are just as animalistic as before. However we deny this
animalism, and this fucks us up. Why is it that the second one guy decides to
text a girl continuously, does another guy who showed vague interest months
before, all of a sudden just appear in the girl’s life, demanding attention?
would like to call this the “guy must pee on girl” problem. Despite the fact
that previously, guy 2 did not take any sort of action regarding his desire for the girl, only when proper ownership or "dibs" of the girl in question was
threatened did he make a move and figuratively decide to try peeing on the girl. I wonder what it is that girls project or where the blinking light is located that goes off when
they are already receiving male attention, and why it is that that attracts more male attention.
Or, alternatively, I wonder if single girls emit desperation vibes somehow and
that in itself is a turn off? All of this makes ZERO sense in the grand scheme
of things. Logically speaking, if someone is already involved with
somebody, men should not be more attracted to that person, but instead go for
somebody who is single and available? If the western world is to sustain itself
and not replicate children of men, guys need to stop only going for girls who
aren’t available, and pursue girls who are down. Seriously, the world’s population
is at risk. Ignore the blinkers. Just go for it.
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