Friday, July 27, 2012

people rant # 1 - I think I will start a series

In a recent conversation, my fellow werewolf and I got to thinking about while people ostensibly strive for monetary success, somehow it remains cool to some people to appear poor even if they have money. It seems weird and uneasy to talk about money and how much people make. Owing people money is the biggest deal to a lot of people, attaching a sense of pride to not owing people anything, even if it is not to a bank but to a friend. Yet, while people want money and need it to live comfortably, somehow being seen as poor is more attractive to some people, where they create this charade of poverty while secretly having all the money to do all of the things. A most extreme example would be hipsters, mainly because they live in faux-squalor, wear grungy clothes, never shower or shave properly, yet have the money to buy all of the drugs and records and concert tickets. ughhhhhhhhhh. I don't get it. rant over.

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