Wednesday, July 4, 2012

time for you and time for me/ and time yet for a hundred indecisions,/ and for a hundred visions and revisions

I am moving in a month. I am moving in a month. I AM MOVING IN A MONTH. Maybe forever. To the united kingdom. I am moving to a kingdom. Ok.  Just needed to write that down to enforce its reality. I am going to do that thing that T.S. Eliot was pretty much warning mankind against doing which is measuring out my life in coffee spoons. Eliot was OBSESSED with time, which I can relate to being a part of one of the most self-aware generations to ever exist. However, rather than believing in measuring out life through clock time or structural time, or “coffee spoons,” as Prufrock does in Eliot's most famous poem, “the love song of J. Alfred prufrock,” Eliot suggests throughout many of his works that time ought to be understand through our experiences.  I believe that perhaps Eliot was excessively linear in his understanding of time, because it is the things in our lives and the people we surround ourselves with who form our experiences.  Thus, here are the ways in which I am going to measure the next month.

1.     4 weeks x average 12 alcoholic beverages per week = 48 more sparrow and/or kafein cocktails and/or homemade mimosas and gin and tonics at my apartment

2.     4 weeks x average 4.7 days per week of  beyonce danceoffs + singalongs to the I am Tour / Revel / Glastonbury / Live at Roseland dvds and youtube videos with the werewolves =  18.8 more! I am crying. How can this be.  The decimal is because I expect we may Beyonce more in the week preceding my departure.

3.     26 more days of waking up and patting my weave, Naomi Campbell walking, and snapping for the kids to get me bodied while dancing in a bra and underwear in my apartment

4.     4 weeks x 5 pikolo/myriade coffees per week = 20 more hipster coffees! 20 more encounters with creepy mustache man/arm tattoo guy/ awkward conversations with marie eve and/or Gunther.

5.     4 weeks x 5.2 times per week of myriade stooping while watching (read: judging) passersby = 20.8 times

6.     4 weeks x 4 more illicit swims at the pool on top of the hotel de la montagne = 16

7.     4 weeks x 2 rounds per week through the hipster trifecta = 8 more times! (I may be being generous, there is only so much blue dog mystery puddle we can handle)

8.    4 weeks x 2 corresponding al taib pizza runs to discuss what transpired while running through the hipster trifecta = 8

9.    4 weeks x 2 joints per week  = 8 more. must get on it. i've heard it is scarce in the kingdom.

10. 4 weeks x 6 (per week) of philosophical discussions about feminist issues and how much men and women are bad at communicating = 24.

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